To meet the competency requirements of Section 5 of the Feeds Code of Practice Guidance
This course is an on-demand course which can be taken at the trainee’s convenience. It is split into 4 modules of approx. 35 minutes, with a multiple choice ‘quiz’ at the end – total time 3hrs.
1) Introduction to Feed Sampling
An overview of the legislation and guidance in developing a sampling programme, with examples of a sampling policy, procedure and sampling plan
2) Sampling of Feed: Designing a Feed Sampling Plan for Inland and Imported Feeds
An overview of the legislation and guidance in developing a sampling programme, with examples of a sampling policy, procedure and sampling plan. Risk assessment of common feed materials and compound feeds, and design of a sampling plan for common feed products, taking into account hazards in feed materials and compound feeds
3) An Overview of Formal Sampling Methods
An overview of Reg (EU) 691/2013: sampling of bulk and packaged feeds
4) Practical Sampling
A step by-step guide to taking a formal sample in a bulk warehouse:. Example of sampling record, and how to check the results of the analysis of the samples.
Support documents available within the course;
- Examples of a sampling policy and sampling procedure
- Sampling record templates for bulk shipments, bulk lots in warehouses and packaged feeds